In the last few months, I’ve come across multiple references to the intelligence of slime mold. Huh! Both words, slime and mold, bring to mind unsavory associations. I explored various resources to find some answers.

Slime mold look like fungi, but more closely resemble amoebas and certain seaweeds. Their ideal habitat is decaying tree stumps, mossy undergrowth and leaf piles. I wondered what can I could learn from a sightless, single-celled organism that lacks a brain and nervous system? And, I might add, love oats.

Slime mold move and grow like a living blob

  • Many slime molds are vibrant yellow organisms with finger-like tendrils that create branching fan patterns. They resemble neural or vascular systems.
  • These gooey microbes communicate their response to their environment through a network of pulsating tubes. They rhythmically expand and contract in a wave motion, then release chemicals that attract other slime mold.

Slime mold provide meaningful insights into human nature

  • Intelligence: Slime mold possess complex, shared problem solving skills, finding the shortest path through a maze in search of oatmeal at the end.
  • Leadership and community: Slime mold cooperate, share resources, and move collectively toward goals.
  • Creativity: Slime mold create beautiful, intricate patterns that happen organically and unexpectedly.

My wanders through earthly delights once again inspired new art and reminded me of the wisdom of the living world. Slime mold, a shimmering fabric of energy, constantly communicates across all matter. We are all interconnected.