On walks near my home, fallen branches, leaves and acorns on the ground call my attention. Collaged by wind, rain and birds, their unexpected presence animates the world around me. I become more deeply aware of the local earth.

These quietly magnificent story keepers decompose and help feed the seedlings sprouting on the forest floor. In this season of giving thanks, I am grateful for the gifts of life they provide and the mutuality of our existence.

Acorns by Marlene Sinicki

First Breath

acorn descends
to forest floor

absorbs morning mist
—first breath of new tree

Spiderweb branch by Marlene Sinicki

The Next Generation

On a recent walk
I came across 
a vividly textured ecosystem:
old growth tree with furrowed bark,
lyrically climbing ivy,
and graceful grasses.

The moss-covered branch
that fell from the canopy
resembled a spiderweb.

Ancient cycles of decay and renewal
weave bonds of mutual well-being.

Golden Leaves by Marlene Sinicki